Saturday, December 31, 2011


Singed breath and twitching limbs in
Liquid sleep gushing onto ‘morrow
With blended dreams of rage and longing

A cloudy morn in its ebb
A tortured night in its tide

What would it take to get over that smile?


The Vice Buddha said...

It was lonely again, before the dawn
Besides a hope of morning dew
On etched windows and blades of grass

A brand new morn in its ebb
A lustful night in its tide

What would it take to get over that smile?

telperion said...

That was lovely.

It would be an interesting exercise to get several such contributions juxtaposed.

The Vice Buddha said...

I used to participate in this kinda thing on

M sure there are still chain poems with a lotta awesome contributions available for a read...

Its a personal take, and what makes it worth it that every person is different! :)